a hot potato 烫手山芋
Meaning: a controversial issue or situation that is awkward or unpleasant to deal with.
Example: The subject of bullying and fighting in my school is a hot potato.
piece of cake 小菜一碟
Meaning: something that is easy to do
Example: Learning English is a piece of cake as long as you do it with our website.
once in a blue moon 千载难逢
Meaning: very rarely
Example: I go to visit my grandfather only once in a blue moon; he lives in a remote farm house.
a bed of roses 尽如人意
Meaning: easy option
Example: Taking care of my younger sister is no bed of roses; she is very silly.
raining cats and dogs 倾盆大雨
Meaning: raining very heavily
Example: I wanted to go to play outside, but it was raining cats and dogs yesterday.
when pigs fly 绝不可能
Meaning: something that will never happen or is impossible.
Example: William will keep quiet only when pigs fly.
devil's advocate 唱反调
Meaning: one who presents a counter argument
Example: Hey Jack! You're always playing devil's advocate! Give it a rest and mind your own business.
miss the boat 错失良机
Meaning: miss the chance.
Example: Peter wanted to enter the drawing competition, but he was too late to enter, and he missed the boat.
apple of eye 掌上明珠
Meaning: someone very precious or dear
Example: Every kid in the world is the apple of their parents' eye(s).
zip your lip 闭嘴
Meaning: to stop talking
Example: I don't want to hear another sound out of you. Now do as you're told and zip your lip.