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Windows 越用c盘越来越大?如何正确地收复失去的领地

时间:2024-06-12 20:58:58  作者:沉稳的绿豆


1. 磁盘使用分析

使用过Ubuntu都知道在Ubuntu中有一个磁盘分析工具(Disk Usage Analyzer)相当实用。它能让你直观的感觉到到底是哪个文件夹哪个文件占据着你宝贵的磁盘空间。Disk Usage Analyzer的界面如下:


2. C:\Windows\Installer目录


Windows Installer Directory

When applications are installed and updated on the Windows Operating System a hidden directory "c:\Windows\Installer" is used to store the installer (.msi) files and the patch (.msp) files. Generally these files are important as during updating, patching or uninstalling software it will use the .msi/.msp files. If you blanketly delete all the files in this folder, you will find yourself needing to rebuild windows. Over time as your computer is patched and patched again, these installer files become outdated and orphaned. They are no longer required, but they can take up many gigabytes of data.


3. C:/Windows/WinSxS目录


WinSxS folder Windows 10/8/7

In short, Winsxs, which stands for 'Windows Side By Side', is Windows native assembly cache. Libraries which are being by multiple applications are stored there. This feature was first introduced, in Windows ME and was considered as Microsoft's solution to the so-called 'dll hell' issues that plagued Windows 9x.

清理方法 1

使用系统自带的磁盘清理工具。打开资源管理器;对C盘右键选择属性;单击磁盘清理;初次扫描完成后再单击清理系统文件按钮;选中windows Update Cleanup即可。如果没有该选项说明WinSxS中没有可清理的内容。

清理方法 2

用管理员权限打开命令提示符,输入命令:Dism.exe /online /Cleanup-Image /AnalyzeComponentStore。运行此命令可以分析winsxs的当前状况。如下图所示:

可以看到Component Store Cleanup Recommended为No,即不需要清理。如果为Yes即推荐清理,键入命令:Dism.exe /online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup。即可开始清理。如下图所示:
